This week we saw the launch of our BRAND NEW website.
Liqui-Met, which is a division of Custom Tek Coatings has become so popular that we decided to launch its own stand-alone site.
Featuring more content relating directly to the quality Liquid Metal solutions we provide, the website also hosts news, updates on events, projects and more.
Over the next few weeks and months, we'll continue to update our site, with a whole host of content which will help you to discover Liqui-Met and the masterpieces you can create using it.
Our new site hosts a number of sections, such as product pages, so you can further explore each metal option and see work from some of our great customers.
You can also read this blog, which will give you news and updates on our latest projects, the latest product updates, and also some useful content.
We've also launched ourselves on Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and Pinterest.
So if you use any of those platforms, be sure to follow us and stay up to date with all the latest news, ideas and offers.